Saturday, October 3, 2009

Seven Nation Army, The White Stripes

The featured song this week is "Seven Nation Army", the arena anthem by Detroit-based duo The White Stripes. The song comes from their 2003 album Elephant, which carried them to stardom and brought them national fame. The song is characterized by a driving kick drum and Jack White's signature highly distorted guitar, making it a great candidate for this project; mostly because my version will feature neither of those.

I produced this weeks song on my own, and has kind of an odd story behind it. The chord progression I play in the verse of this song was from something I wrote earlier this week, for a duet with my violinist friend. It was written for a spur of the moment jam session, however it happened to fit pretty perfectly with the lyrics from this song, and so from that an idea was born.

I know the recording still isn't the greatest quality, but hang in there; I should have a new microphone next weekend to record with. I think I like this week's song a little more than my last entry, just because compositionally this one is a lot further from the original song. I wrote the verse in a 3/4 time signature to give it a waltz-like kind of feel, and it turned out pretty interesting.

So here's to Detroit, and to everyone connected to it in any way, shape or form. Contrary to popular belief, the motor city's still kicking, and so is it's music scene.


  1. Hell yea ! That was awesome me and my buddies just listened to the song and all give it 10 out of 10 just for the fact that you have to deal with all your crazy neighbors in Emmons hall. The first time i heard this song I thought it was sweet. The song has a beat that is very catchy and you can really follow. The lyrics in the song are very cleaver in the way that sounds like a totally different song but, really it is almost the same lyrics. It sounds really good. Keep it up,

    Your neighbors in Emmons.

  2. i really enjoyed this song! ive always been a fan of the white stipes because of their crazy sounds and lyrics. ive always wanted to see them in concert and i like what you did with the song. it sounds like a completely different song..nice work. fun fact: my grandma lived in a condo complex a few doors down from jack white's great aunt. cool, right? im also glad that you chose to praise the detroit history instead of bashing it like a lot of people do. even though it has gone downhill, i think people need to remember the good things that have come out of detroit. im glad that i looked at this and im excited to see what else you come up with.

